Kiss Good Night, Sam (Amy Hest)


The Read, Say and Play Digital Book Packs contain:
1. Language development strategies specific to the chosen book, to grab-and-go for shared book reading experiences. These areas include vocabulary development, language expansions, answering WH questions and developing print awareness. These skills are related to and supportive of emergent literacy development (for children aged 3-5yrs).

2. A customised printabe activity for each book and song/prop ideas related to the vocabulary targeted in the book

3. FREE “Read and Grow with your child” handout

*book not included

Product Description

The Read, Say and Play Digital Book Packs contain:
1. Language development strategies specific to the chosen book, to grab-and-go for shared book reading experiences. These areas include vocabulary development, language expansions, answering WH questions and developing print awareness. These skills are related to and supportive of emergent literacy development (for children aged 3-5yrs).

2. A customised printabe activity for each book and song/prop ideas related to the vocabulary targeted in the book

3. FREE “Read and Grow with your child” handout

*book not included